Hal Ai Dono Bot V2
This project began as a request to create an AI that could generate a character’s voice and respond to donations in live streams. Over time, it evolved into a conversational AI and co-host for the streamer. The project utilized technologies such as Nvidia’s “Audio to Face” software for realistic facial animations and 11 Labs’ voice cloning technology for a unique voice. Open AI provided the conversational abilities, while Stream Labels collected donation data in real-time. Custom scripts were written to integrate these technologies seamlessly. The result is a technologically advanced, user-friendly AI assistant that enhances the livestream experience. The project’s evolution showcases the power of innovation and the limitless possibilities of AI.

This is a demo of the Hal-bot AI being used live by the streamer who requested it.
Showing off my work.

This is a demo of the Hal-bot AI being used live by the streamer to read donations, also the streamer can speak to the AI after the read and the AI retains what he has said for conversational speak enabled by my code.
Showing off my work.

The Evolution of a Project: From Donation Reading Bot to Conversational AI

This project began as a request from a friend and YouTuber named NeoCrainums. The original aim was to create an artificial intelligence that could generate the voice of his character and respond to donations. However, over time, the project has evolved into something much more – a conversational AI and co-host of his dreams.

Throughout the development process, several different software and techniques were utilized. These technologies were carefully integrated to work together seamlessly, resulting in a functioning artificial assistant for the streamer to use in their live streams.

Integrating Various Technologies

One of the key technologies used in this project is the “Audio to Face” software developed by Nvidia. This software allows for the generation of facial animations based on audio input. By analyzing the voice of the AI, the software is able to create realistic facial expressions and movements, enhancing the overall experience for viewers.

In addition to the facial animations, the voice of the AI was generated using the advanced voice cloning technology provided by 11 Labs. This technology allowed for the creation of a unique and realistic voice that perfectly suited the character of the AI.

Behind the scenes, Open AI played a crucial role in the development of the AI. This powerful backend technology powered the conversational abilities of the AI, allowing it to engage in meaningful and interactive conversations with viewers. The integration of Open AI ensured that the AI could provide insightful responses and enhance the overall experience for viewers.

To collect data from the donations on the stream, Stream Labels was utilized. This software allowed for the seamless collection and organization of donation information, ensuring that the AI could accurately respond to donations in real-time. By leveraging Stream Labels, the AI became an effective donation reading bot, fulfilling its original purpose.

The Role of Custom Scripts

In order to bring all of these technologies together and make them work harmoniously, custom scripts were written. These scripts served as the backbone of the project, ensuring that all the different components could communicate and function seamlessly. The scripts acted as the glue that held everything together, allowing for the creation of a fully integrated and functional AI assistant.

Throughout the development process, careful attention was given to ensure that the AI assistant was not only technologically advanced but also user-friendly and reliable. Extensive testing and refinement were conducted to iron out any bugs or issues, resulting in a smooth and seamless user experience.

Achieving the Vision

Through the integration of various technologies and the dedication of the development team, the original aim of creating a donation reading bot has been surpassed. The AI assistant now serves as a conversational partner and co-host, enhancing the livestream experience for both the streamer and the viewers.

As the project continues to evolve, the possibilities for the AI assistant are endless. With ongoing advancements in AI technology, there is great potential for further enhancements and improvements. The dream of creating a lifelike and engaging AI assistant has become a reality, thanks to the dedication and hard work of the development team.

In conclusion, this project started as a simple request and has grown into something far more remarkable. Through the integration of various technologies, custom scripts, and meticulous attention to detail, a fully functional and engaging AI assistant has been created. The evolution of this project serves as a testament to the power of innovation and the limitless possibilities of artificial intelligence.